5 Foods to Use as Skin Care Products

Foods are often the source of costly skin care ingredients. Therefore you can forget shopping at department stores for expensive skin care products. Instead, head to your kitchen for the best kept secrets for naturally beautiful skin.
Food is your medicine and when it comes to skin care, these foods provide everything you need for clear, glowing skin They can replenish, hydrate and nourish it from the outside.

1. Avocados 
Avocado paste can be applied to rashes and rough skin to make it smoother. You can Create a moisturizing mask. Pit the fruit, puree the pulp, and pat it on your face. The oil acts as an emollient. It also contains beneficial vitamin E.

2. Tomatoes
The use of tomato for skin care is ideal because of its cooling and astringent properties. It is rich in vitamin C making it helpful for acne and brightening dull skin and contains vitamin A needed for building healthy skin. Mash a fresh tomato and apply the pulp liberally to your face. Relax with the tomato on your face for an hour. Rinse with tepid water. Use this treatment everyday for at least a week for best results.

3. Eggs
The eggs are important in skin care, their shells are fragile but they reserve an exotic beauty. As a mask, it gives a special beauty. They provide clear skin, you feel young, relaxed and fresh.  You can Mix honey, lemon and egg, then put on face for 10 minutes. Then wash face with warm water.

4. Pomegranate
When applied topically, this antioxidant-rich fruit may help skin create more collagen, while speeding healing. In a small mixing bowl, combine pomegranate seeds with 1 tablespoon sugar, and crush ingredients together using the back of a wooden spoon until they’re well-combined and no whole seeds remain. Add olive oil and 2 more tablespoons of sugar, and blend all ingredients thoroughly.
Standing in a tub or shower, apply the scrub to any rough spots on your body, working from the feet upward and using a circular motion. Rinse and pat dry, and follow with a light body lotion.

5. Lemon juice
Lemon juice
Lemon juice
Believe it or not, citrus extracts contain great natural skin whitening properties. Lemon juice natural bleaches the skin and fastens the process of dark spot fading, thus giving you a fairer and brighter skin. Mix lemon juice and honey and apply this cleansing facial mask on the face and neck. This lemon recipe not only cleanses the face but also helps get a glowing and shiny skin. You can apply this mask every alternate day if your face is covered with pimple or acne and sun tan.

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